Applicable to oily sludge! VOLUTE™ Dewatering Press reduces the sludge disposal cost by 75%!
Major meat-process plant in Canada
- Sludge dewatering press
- Food Beverage
- Dewatering oily sludge
- Industrial waste disposal cost reduction
- Major meat-process plant in Canada
Their problems
In the meat-process plant in Canada managed by a world’s leading meat-process plant, huge amount of sludge disposal cost had been a longstanding problem. In production process, approximately 96m3 sludge had been generated a day, and the sludge had been disposed by a waste disposal firm.
This sludge disposal cost had reached as much as 93.6 million yen a year. The existing belt press had produced no substantive results in dewatering performance of the oil sludge generated in this plant. Oil sludge dewatering problem had been abandoned as hopeless to solve.
AMCON’s solution
However, VOLUTE™ which excels at dewatering oil sludge resolved this problem at a stretch. VOLUTE™ Dewatering Press succeeded in denatering this oil sludge which is commonly difficult to be denatered and reducing its volume by 85%.
Amazingly, this plant could reduce the sludge disposal cost by 26 million yen which is 75% reduction of the prior cost. This huge cost reduction allowed the company to pay back the cost for the introduction of this equipment in about a year.