24-Hour Emergency Maintenance Support + Periodic Inspections Of The Plumbing System

AMCON Can Help You In Case Of Emergency
to protect your comfortable life

24-Hour Emergency Maintenance Support + Periodic Inspections Of The Plumbing System

(offered only in Japan)
This plan is a combination of “emergency maintenance support 24 hours a day, 365 days a year” in case of emergency and “periodic inspections” for plumbing system in common areas. Five plans are available depending on the property’s condition and your budget.

Selectable Plans

Automatic Report Plan

Automatic Report Plan

An automated monitoring system watches over and automatically notifies you of possible troubles, thereby saving time, manpower, and labor costs. You can rest assured that the system monitors automatically and securely 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Plan type

  • Plan A
  • Plan B

Telephone Report Plan

Telephone Report Plan

This is a plan in which you report any equipment abnormality by yourself when you discover it. The Customer Reporting Plan is available at a more reasonable price than the Automated Alert Plan.

Plan type

  • Plan C
  • Plan D

Automatic Report Plan

PLAN Plan A Plan B
Fee structure Basic charge + inspection fee Basic charge + inspection fee
Cost for dispatching engineer Included in the monthly fee Separate fees will be incurred
Emergencies subject for dispatching – Plumbing system (common area)
– Fire alarm
– Elevator
– Plumbing system (common area)
– Fire alarm
– Elevator
Periodic inspection of plumbing system
(common areas)
The frequency is set according
to your budget and building condition.
The frequency is set according
to your budget and building condition.

Telephone Report Plan

Fee structure Basic charge + inspection fee Inspection fee only Yearly contract
Cost for dispatching engineer Included in the monthly fee Separate fees will be incurred Included in the yearly fee
Emergencies subject for dispatching – Plumbing system (common area) – Plumbing system (common area) – Plumbing system (common area)
Periodic inspection of plumbing system
(common areas)
The frequency is set according
to your budget and building condition.
The frequency is set according
to your budget and building condition.
Conducted once a year